The Definition of Beauty

The Definition of Beauty

The 3 Pillars of Ayurvedic Beauty


Roopam is visible or outer beauty ie how shiny your hair is, how clear and radiant your skin is etc. These outer signs of beauty are direct reflections of your overall health. They are created by the inner physiological processes involved in digestion, metabolism and tissue development. Thus, outer beauty is more reliant on what you put in your body than on it. Although concerned with external features, Roopam does not concern itself with skin colour, body shape and so on. 


Gunam is inner beauty and how that energy reflects on the heart, personality and mind. It is concerned with mental health and personality traits that define your character and shape others’ perception of you. Inner beauty is authentic beauty, it comes from a mind and heart that are in perfect sync. Stress, fatigue, confusion, emotional turmoil all cause havoc on inner beauty which can be a put off. According to Gunam, people are truly attracted to your personality traits i.e. grace, charm, warmth and innocence. Happy, positive, caring individuals have a beauty that is more than skin deep. 


Vayastyag is timeless beauty i.e. beauty and youth that is unaffected by age. While ageing is natural and irreversible, Vayastyag stresses the value of health and vitality that allows one to look and feel younger than they might actually be. The ability to live life to its fullest with youthful passion and energy even at a ripe old age is regarded as the very definition of beauty. To slow the ageing process and gain lasting beauty one must eliminate toxins and free radicals in the body, and add rejuvenating techniques to our daily lives.